Infrastructure Employment Forum
We co-ordinate employment for ex-offenders. By working together, we give people a second chance.
Everyone deserves a second chance.
By giving ex-offenders a way to gain sustainable employment, we help the construction industry to tap into a vast labour resource.
Mission statement
The mission of the IEF is to provide a national collaborative recruitment and education gateway within the construction industry, for those with criminal convictions.
Removing the stigma, reducing offending and re-cycling lives
finding solutions
Finding work for ex-offenders near to release helps break the cycle of unemployment, homelessness and re-offending.
People from minority ethnic groups are over-represented in the prison population. We can help to extend the range of ethnicities on construction projects.
Meeting needs
A disproportionately high percentage of people in prison have learning difficulties. Valued physical activity offers an attractive alternative to office work.

A joined-up approach
By working together, we can make sure people leaving prison can re-integrate into society and make a positive contribution.

I’m so grateful to have the chance to get my life back on track”
Ex-offender ‘Peter’
60% of short-term prisoners re-offend within a year of release. By diverting a person away from re-offending the state saves £42,000 per adult per year on prison costs.